Studies and Investigation about the Attitude towards Sustainable Production, Consumption and Waste Generation in Line with Circular Economy in Romania. SustainabilityArticol Elena Simina Lakatos Lucian-Ionel Cioca Viorel Dan Alina Oana Ciomos Oana Adriana Crisan Ghita Barsan With a rapidly growing world population and the need to address the issue of consumption of global resource and its associated environmental impacts and other social and economic issues, the demand for a responsible consumption, production and prevention of waste generation become increasingly crucial. With this broad characterization of Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP), businesses based on circular economy should become the norm.
Analysis on the Impact of History on Economic Development and the Entrepreneurial Map in RomaniaArticol Laura Bacali Elena Simina Lakatos Mihai Octavian Naghiu Constantin Bungau The aim of our study was to investigate the role of entrepreneurship in the socio-economic development of various regions in Romania. Our research focused on a quantitative analysis based on a projective techniques grid applied on a number of 45 students investigated using “the Chinese portrait” and sentence completion technique.
How Supportive Are Romanian Consumers of the Circular Economy Concept: A SurveyArticol Elena Simina Lakatos Viorel Dan Lucian Ionel Cioca Laura Bacali Andreea Maria Ciobanu The aim of this paper is to investigate consumer behavior regarding the environment and the adoption of new patterns of behavior and responsible consumption in the promotion of a Circular Economy (CE) in Romania. With this goal in mind, a questionnaire survey was performed on-line on a nationwide scale to explore consumers’ behaviors and attitudes, which was distributed in all four of Romania’s macro-regions and interviewing 642 respondents.
Using the Web by Finnish SME’s for Corporate Social Responsibility ActivitiesArticol Elena Simina Lakatos Roxana Mirela Gazdac V. Dan The Web is evolving, so the Internet is the cheapest mean of communication, is essential in today’s world, for all these reasons the article discusses its implications, more interesting for Finnish SMEs that still do not use or ignore the Internet. Facing more and more acute challenges, worldwide, such as vulnerability of the internet network, the moral side of knowledge management or the relationship between human and artificial intelligence involves the individual and collective actors, animated features not only from intellectual aspiration to new discoveries, but what we might call “the ethics of the responsible legitimacy.”
An innovation diffusion model for new mobile technologies acceptanceArticol Nadia Barkoczi Elena Simina Lakatos Laura Andrada Bacali This paper aims to approach the diffusion model developed in 1960 by Frank Bass has been utilized to study the distribution of different types of new products and services. The Bass Model helps by describing the process in which new products are adopted in a market. This model is a useful tool for predicting the first purchase of an innovative product for which there are competing alternatives on the market. It also provides the innovator with information regarding the size of customers and the adoption time for the product. |
PARADIGMA ECONOMIEI CIRCULARE. O PROVOCARE PENTRU ORAŞUL INTELIGENTArticol Elena Simina Lakatos Mircea Bejan Numai Uniunea Europeană aruncă trei miliarde de tone de deșeuri în fiecare an și doar o mică parte se tranzacţionează pe pieţele de închirieri, secondhand sau se recuperează. În zilele noastre, modelul nostru de producţie și consum în masă pune la încercare într-un mod periculos limitele și resursele aflate pe glob și ne ameninţă prin prisma acestora sustenabilitatea și stabilitatea propriului nostru viitor ca și populaţie.
A brief quantitative analysis of clusters from the creative industry in RomaniaArticol Elena Motoiu This article presents the evolution of creative industries across time and the growth of the enterprises from Romania in clusters. Also, it presents the impact of cluster programs hosted by websites. The analysis was focused on 7 domains that belong to the creative industry: artistic creation and literary creation, advertising, software, printing and publishing, retail and distribution, radio and television, museums and the preservation of historical sites and buildings, by using the Cluster Observatory platform.
Corporate social responsibility, NGOs and business partnerships for social sustainabilityArticol Ana Maria Moldovan his article provides information regarding the potential of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to bridge the gap between non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and businesses in order to create meaningful socially sustainable projects in specific community environments. Companies as well as NGOs have placed attention on this specific field of interest in the past but often fail to reach the primary goals of the desired community projects due to a lack of knowledge and resources in developing and integrating the projects.
The concept of innovation in social economy. A review and a research agendaArticol Elena Simina Lakatos Oana-Bianca Bercea Laura Bacali Current research provides evidence that traditional business and public sector organizations are not the only structures that encourage development through innovation. A more recent form of organization known under the name of “social enterprise “ has a great potential to innovate services, products and processes which can create social value. We have reviewed an array of social economy literature incorporating into it the concept of innovation. Following the grounded theory procedure we have analysed 59 papers in the field of social economy published between 1990 and 2014 so as to see the current state of knowledge regarding the innovative dimension of social enterprises.
Public Marketing: A Strategic Tool for Social EconomyArticol Oana-Bianca Bercea Laura Bacali Elena Simina Lakatos Lately, social economy structures at European and national level have increased in number. The contribution of social economy at local economical development through jobs creation and solutions to social problems has been recognized at the European level making social economy a high interest research field. Concepts such as social entrepreneurship or social enterprise are often mistaken associated with the non-profit or non-governmental sector that has a considerable role in addressing social needs the public sector is not able to deal with, making imperious to clarify the differences and similarities between them.
The benefits of IT tools in innovation process for SME sustainabilityArticol Elena Simina Lakatos Laura Bacali Oana-Bianca Bercea Carmen Maria Bercea Innovation in its both forms – open and closed-is essential for economic growth and it is associated both with processes and organizations and likewise, with social and institutional change. Advancement in information technology (IT) has led to major transformations in the way organizations operate, forcing them to invest in IT infrastructure so as to keep pace with competition and to retain Sustainability.
Analysis regarding the size and dynamics of Corporate Social Responsibility conceptArticol Alina Moldovan Elena Simina Lakatos Laura Bacali Oana-Bianca Bercea Corporations around the world are struggling with a new role, which is to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of next generations to meet their own needs. The concept of CSR is underpinned by the idea that corporations can no longer act as isolated economic entities operating in detachment from broader society. Traditional views about competitiveness, survival and profitability are being swept away.
QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH ON THE PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS [ARCHETYPES] OF YOUNG CONSUMERS. A PROPOSAL FOR A NEW CONCEPT: MARKETING 4.0 Alina Moldovan Laura Bacali Elena Simina Lakatos Razvan Vaida Articol The aim of this articol was to investigat the personal archetype of young consumers from Romania and Spain in order to see how this construct influence decision making process in buying a brand. First, we use a questionarie Perason-Marr archetype indicator to collect the date and than we conduct a principal component analysis and cluster analysis to investigate the sample.
THE ONLINE COMMUNICATION OF CLUJ COUNTY NGOsArticol Elena Simina Lakatos Alina Moldovan Alexandra-Elena ANASTASIU The growing interest in the online communication activities of NGOs indicates that is has become a necessity for their competitiveness. This article focuses on investigating the role of the Internet in the way that contemporary NGOs communicate their actions to their stakeholders. According to the purpose and nature of this study, the data are collected from the websites of NGOs.
ASPECTS WITH REGARD TO THE EFFECTS OF MOTOR VEHICLE ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION-A case studyArticol Horea George Crisan Oana-Adriana Crișan Pollution can be considered a major assault on the environment caused by modern man. Air pollution caused by industrial activities and road traffic has a significant impact on the health of the population, especially on those who are living in urban areas, more exactly for 80% of Europeans. It involves the emanation of organisms, which release harmful substances into the atmosphere.
ECO-INNOVATIVE METHODS AND TECHNOLOGIES FOR REDUCING AND RECYCLING OF PERSISTENT ORGANIC POLLUTANTS FROM ENVIRONMENT-AN OVERVIEWArticol Mihaela Orban Carmen Cristorean Oana- Adriana PAVEL The most toxic pollutants in the environment that originated from human activities are the Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) which are chemicals that accumulate and persist in the environment through the trophic web causing negative effects to human and environment health. POPs present a high risk because of their capacity to be transported across the borders affecting even regions where they have never been used or produced.
RECYCLING TEXTILE MATERIALS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITYArticol Adelina-Paula Cobuz The article presents the main problems related to over-consumption of clothes and textiles in general, due to the demand of new fashion and fast production. Therefore, it will present information about the businesses that are utilizing recycled clothing in a variety of services in order to prevent waste and maintain environmental sustainability. Also, the article will have a focus on the main fashion chains, ZARA and H&M and the Circular Economy that they present as a business method.
ECONOMIA CIRCULARĂ ŞI DOMENIUL COMPONENTELOR ELECTRICE ŞI ELECTRONICEArticol Corina ORŢAN Alina-Oana CIOMOŞ The continual decrease in the quantity of available non-regenerative resources, together with the increase of the pressure for reduction of pollution requires new views on production and consumption. Gradually stepping from a linear economy to a circular one will certainly have a good impact, both from an economic point of view, as from the environment’s point of view.
CONCEPTUL DE INDUSTRIE BAZATĂ PE CLUSTERE INOVATIVE ÎN EUROPA: O ANALIZĂ A SECTORULUI SOFTWAREArticol Oana-Adriana PAVEL This article presents the evolution of creative industries along the time and the growth of the enterprises from Europe in clusters. The literature that treats the cluster policy was also analyzed. The focus was on software companies, specifically on the comparison between ten countries that are in the Danube region, based on information provided by Cluster Observatory.
BENEFITS OF INTRODUCING CSR INVESTMENT IN BUSINESS STRATEGY: A study of partnerships between NGO’s and companiesArticol Elena Simina Lakatos Alina Moldovan Răzvan Vaida This paper aims to extend the area of social responsibility by highlighting the importance of partnership between nonprofits and social responsibility based companies to attract financing. Three aspects of companies’ wealth are proposed and analyzed – the top 100 most important companies in Romania after turnover, which took place in social programs with partnership: the company’s strategy, code of ethics and performance indicators. Continuing the analysis of how CSR could influence the core business of the companies through efficiency and productivity gains.
The Potential Applications of Bacillus sp. and Pseudomonas sp. Strains with Antimicrobial Activity against Phytopathogens, in Waste Oils and the Bioremediation of HydrocarbonsArticol Mariana-Gratiela Soare (Vladu) Elena Simina Lakatos Nicoleta Ene Nereida Malo (Dalanaj) Ovidiu Popa Narcisa Babeanu Biodegradation is one of the primary mechanisms for the elimination of petroleum and other hydrocarbon pollutants from the environment. This study presents the results obtained with two newly isolated microorganisms and their potential applications in bioremediation, agriculture, and industrial fields. Twenty-five strains of microorganisms were isolated from plant materials and were subject to a selection process on the basis of antimicrobial activity. Two bacterial strains, respectively Bacillus mycoides (Bm) and Pseudomonas putida (B1), were selected for further experiments, based on the largest inhibition zones against the phytopathogens Erwinia carotovora and Xanthomonas campestris.
Conceptualizing Core Aspects on Circular Economy in CitiesArticol Elena Simina Lakatos Geng Yong Andrea Szilagyi Dan Sorin Clinci Lucian Georgescu Catalina Iticescu Lucian-Ionel Cioca Currently, there are many different interpretations in the literature of what a circular economy is and how it functions. As cities are still facing challenges to become fully sustainable, the need for a comprehensive analysis of how the circular economy can be implemented in urban areas is increasing. This article aims at outlining circular cities by their key characteristics and to further explore and provide a framework for fostering circularity at the city level. In order to achieve this goal, we performed a systematic review and analyzed key papers published in the field of circular economy to determine how circular economy practices form circular cities.
A Critical Review of EU Key Indicators for the Transition to the Circular EconomyArticol Roxana Lavinia Pacurariu Sorin Daniel Vatca Elena Simina Lakatos Laura Bacali Mircea Vlad The objective of this paper is to analyze the extent to which the system of indicators that is used in the Monitoring Framework for the transition to the circular economy (CE) is efficient and relevant in their contribution to the sustainable development of European communities. The fundaments of the transition framework and the main characteristics of the circularity indicators are presented. A critical review was performed in order to fulfill the objective of analyzing the current indicators. It is concluded that the indicators in the current framework are (as a selection from a very broad range of indicators theoretically proposed and with estimated practical applicability) limited from the perspective of circularity only to waste generation and recycling processes containing recyclable materials, without including important circularity indicators related to the prolonging and extending the life cycle of products and materials
A New, Consonant Approach of Circular Economy Based on the Conservation of the Fundamental Scalars of PhysicsArticol Elena Simina Lakatos Mircea Florentin Vlad Roxana Lavinia Pacurariu Andrea Szilagyi Cadar Doris Literature so far illustrates different approaches to achieving circular economy (CE). It is increasingly important that every industry explores opportunities to transitioning towards CE doing it through process streamlining or via uses of technology to transform/exchange the resources. We recognize the difficulties faced by researchers in consolidating key aspects to CE, due to still fragmented knowledge base
Enabling the Circular Economy Transition in Organizations: A Moderated Mediation ModelArticol Andreea Loredana Bîrgovan Sorin Daniel Vatca Laura Bacali Andrea Szilagyi Elena Simina Lakatos Lucian Ionel Cioca George Ciobanu The notion of Corporate Environmental Responsibility has been extensively researched in the literature so far, but less is known about how this concept fits into the circular economy paradigm. We performed a moderated mediation analysis in order to identify the mechanism that links corporate environmental responsibility with readiness for change towards a circular economy business model. The findings from 311 respondents show that there is a positive association between corporate environmental responsibility and the readiness for change to a circular model, mediated by perceived circular economy drivers.
How Should We Measure? A Review of Circular Cities IndicatorsArticol Andreea Loredana Bîrgovan Elena Simina Lakatos Andrea Szilagyi Lucian Ionel Cioca Roxana Lavinia Pacurariu George Ciobanu Elena Cristina Rada As the world continues to urbanize, it is necessary to identify and implement new urban development models and strategies in order to meet the challenges of sustainable development. As cities continue to face challenges in becoming fully circular, the need to establish a framework to measure the circular economy in urban areas grows. Many definitions for circular cities have been developed and addressed in recent years, as have numerous indicators. To make the transition to a circular city, we must integrate the findings and develop a general definition and measurement framework.
Consumers in the Circular Economy: A Path Analysis of the Underlying Factors of Purchasing BehaviourArticol Andrea Szilagyi Lucian-Ionel Cioca Laura Bacali Elena-Simina Lakatos Andreea-Loredana Birgovan One of the major obstacles to the adoption of the circular economy is the lack of consumer interest and awareness. Despite this, the unique role of consumers in the circular economy is an understudied topic, as the literature tends to focus rather on the application of circular practices in the organizational and industrial sectors. This paper aims to examine the individual-level factors that have an influence over circular purchasing behavior. Specifically, this paper elaborates an explicative path model of purchasing circular products that takes into account environmental concern, climate skepticism, and the attitudinal factor towards circular products.
An analysis of European Union’s circular economy indicators with focus on materials: implications for the manufacturing industryArticol Roxana Lavinia Pacurariu Elena Simina Lakatos Ligia Maria Nan Laura Bacali Daiana Seitoar The paper aims to emphasize the contribution that manufacturing industry can have to meet the Circular Economy (CE) scope related to the use of resources. First, we presented the CE concept and the framework in Europe, the monitoring framework and also, we noted some aspects of manufacturing industry related to CE. Then, we performed an analysis of the secondary raw material data, which is one of the representative indicators of CE, in order to see the state of circular economy related to the resources in European Union Member States.
The road towards a social circular economy in RomaniaArticol Alina Monica DANCIU The present research is focused on the identification of the main needs of social organizations and the consolidation of circular economy principles in the sector of social enterprises. Also, it approaches the interest to contribute to removing the obstacles which prevent the transition towards a circular economy of the social enterprises, as well as the evaluation of understanding circular economy practices by the social enterprises in Romania.
Assessment of Organic Carbon Sequestration from Romanian Degraded Soils: Livada Forest Plantation Case StudyArticol Gicu Valeriu Chiriluș Elena Simina Lakatos Ramona Bălc Alexandru Sabin Bădărău Lucian Ionel Cioca Geanina Maria David Gheorghe Roşian To analyse the capacity of a soil to sequester organic carbon and the impact that deforestation and reforestation can have on its physical and chemical properties, specific laboratory analyses are necessary. According to a standard methodology, a number of 16 samples were taken from two different depths (0–10 cm, 10–20 cm) and from two different areas (degraded area and forest area) to identify if the type of land use and sampling depth are the key factors in changing the obtained values and also to prove the hypothesis according to which forest lands may have a higher carbon sequestration capacity. The highest value of soil organic carbon was identified in the forest area at a depth of 0–10 cm.
Industrial Symbiosis through the Use of Biosolids as Fertilizer in Romanian AgricultureArticol Lucian-Ionel Cioca Alina-Oana Ciomoş Daiana Șeitoar Roxana Maria Druță Geanina Maria David Biosolids’ use in agriculture is an example of industrial symbiosis. The application of biosolids (BS) in agriculture is considered one of the most sustainable sewage sludge (SS) management options, but the quality of biosolids has to meet certain requirements regarding the characteristics of the sludge, those of the land and of the type of crop. Web of Science database has been used to search for the relevant literature. The review of studies undertaken in order to determine the economic effects of the use of biosolids in agriculture shows, in the majority, an increase in crop yield and the reduction in costs, due to the reduction in the requirements for the application of chemical or synthetic fertilizers.
Cercetători |
Elena Simina Lakatos
Institutul pentru Cercetări în Economie Circulară și Mediu „Ernest Lupan” |
Roxana Maria Druță
Institutul pentru Cercetări în Economie Circulară și Mediu „Ernest Lupan” |
Geanina Maria David
Institutul pentru Cercetări în Economie Circulară și Mediu „Ernest Lupan” |
Andreea Loredana Bîrgovan
Institutul pentru Cercetări în Economie Circulară și Mediu „Ernest Lupan” |
Andrea Szilagyi
Institutul pentru Cercetări în Economie Circulară și Mediu „Ernest Lupan” |
Roxana Lavinia Păcurariu
Institutul pentru Cercetări în Economie Circulară și Mediu „Ernest Lupan” |
Sorin Dan Clinci
Institutul pentru Cercetări în Economie Circulară și Mediu „Ernest Lupan” |
Lucian-Ionel Cioca
Universitatea Lucian Blaga din Sibiu |
Alina Oana Ciomos
Institutul pentru Cercetări în Economie Circulară și Mediu „Ernest Lupan” |
Oana Adriana Crisan
Universitatea Lucian Blaga din Sibiu |
Viorel Dan
Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca |
Ghiță Bârsan
Academia Forțelor Terestre Nicolae Bălcescu |
Laura Bacali
Universitatea Tehnica Cluj-Napoca |
Constantin Bungau
Universitatea din Oradea |
Andreea Maria Ciobanu
Universitatea din Craiova |